hello darkness my old friend

Hi Again.

I finished the Shin cloak.

Got all the costumes pulled for the first 2 shoots. Went to iron Mara and discovered the back hem was pinned up about an inch with 3 pins (all on the inside.)

So I guess I wore it like that at Dragoncon and didn’t notice when I steamed it. It looks like I was going to shorten the center back but forgot and just closed it up. I wiggled all the pins free to let it back out and then popped one of the inside lining seams to try to fish them out -but could only find 1 of the 3. So I guess I’ll find them one day when I get stabbed.

Me: “I don’t need ear plugs for the concert. The loudness doesn’t bother me. I don’t need a clear bag either, everything should fit in my pockets.
Also Me: “I’m going to buy earplugs just in case and also a clear bag just in case.”

This is how the bag came. In a clear plastic mailer that was completely open on one end with half the bag sticking out.

Took some pics of the halloween decorations before I take them all down.

The little snoop dog

Fuzzball Flair sent me a copy of the prequel zine they did with my interview in it! It’s so cute!

Saturday was shoot day. We did Mara, Shin and Taylor.

Saturday night after dinner we decided to go get Gibsons donuts because we hadn’t had them in a while and we’d both been craving it. On the way out of the garage, we noticed a little mysterious river of water snaking through the garage. Followed it back to the source and… our washer drain had a clog and had overflowed. It was all over our laundry room floor, had seeped under the wall and was rolling down the garage floor. It wasn’t a TON but was enough to be concerning. Had to move everything out, clean it, dry it out. In the middle of doing all this, Luna came in there, got in her litter box… but she didn’t get all the way in, she got in just enough and her butt was hanging out of the corner of it, so she ended up peeing all over the floor WHILE we were trying to clean around her to start with.

Anyway got it all cleaned up, fans set up to start getting things dry, and finally left for Gibson’s. Gibson’s is supposed to be open til midnight. As we pulled in the parking lot – around 8 – they were putting a sign up on the door saying they were closed. It was like a kick in the butt after dealing with the washer.

Sunday Chase had to do a rerecord of a show, plus we did more cleaning from the washer overflow, so it was a busy day.

Luna and I snuggled on the couch for a while.

In other news I made more friendship bracelets, practiced applying my purple sparkles, and found a bunch of friendship bracelets and other goodies from dragoncon still in my jacket pocket I apparently missed.

My uncle (Kevin’s dad) has been in the hospital for about a week and it’s concerning. Going to visit him tonight.

Pity party corner: you know how sometimes you see an older lady and her makeup looks all wonky and you think “what the heck is she thinking”… I’m starting to feel like that old lady. Especially since I went to having to wear glasses full time and I feel like I cannot see what I’m doing around my eyes at all anymore. I feel like my lashes look crazy everytime I put them on lately. I had to reapply for them for the shoot like 3 times because they were uneven, or one edge popped up. And even worse is the lipstick, it’s like I can’t find the edge of my lips anymore?? I feel like I look like the Joker when I put on red lipstick because it looks so uneven because I can’t find the edges of my lips anymore. It’s making me anxious about putting on red lips and lashes for the concert this week. I think for the lashes I’m going to do my disney parks trick of also applying the glue to my eyelid… it means it’s going to shellac my eyeliner to my eyelids for the next few days but it definitely holds the lashes so there’s no edges popping off. I dunno what to do about the lipstick. I thought maybe if I change my order of doing things, and I do my lipstick after foundation/concealer and before powder. That would at least make it a little easier to fix things when I mess up?

Anyway end of pity party corner. That’s all for this week, next week’s update should be fun šŸ™‚